Heading to Robe

Heading to Robe

Leaving Mount Gambier, our destination was Robe, with a few stops along the way. Our first stop of the morning was Southend. A small town on the coast. There wasn’t a lot to do, so it was just a passing visit.

Moving on, our new favourite little spot was Beachport. Can’t believe we didn’t get to stay here, but definitely on our list to come back to! It was a perfect day and the water was beautiful and clear. We took a walk on the Beachport Jetty, it is currently 772m long. When originally built in 1882, it was 1220m long. Beachport has it’s own scenic drive, with sweeping views of the coastline.

From Beachport we headed to Robe, and checked ourselves into the Discovery Park.

Our day in Robe started out with a walk up to the Obelisk. The Obelisk was used as a landmark to for the entrance into Guichen Bay in 1855. We continued walking along to the lookout over the township of Robe. Heading back into town, we visited the beach, and walked the length of the Main Street. We visited the Caledonian Inn for lunch, which was a lovely dog friendly pub. The afternoon was spent swimming in the ocean, much to the delight of Ruby & Ripley. Nice warm showers for the pups after their swim, followed by more walks.

We had a great time at Robe, and the pups especially loved the swimming!

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