Streaky Bay to Kimba

Streaky Bay to Kimba

Leaving Streaky Bay, our destination for our first night heading east was a donation camp at Kimba. On the way, we made the most of the trip, as we were heading near the Gawler Ranges.

We visited Pildappa Rock, just north of Wuddina, which is a large granite dome. The rock has ’wave’ rocks similar to those of the popular Wave Rock in Western Australia. We drove in with caravan on, and the rock towered over us. They also offer camping on site, and you can walk all over the rock.

Next stop was Wattle Grove Rock & Mt Wuddina. We only drove past Mt Wuddina, as we had to keep on our trip, but did stop in at Wattle Grove Rock. This is a privately owned property, and they allow you to camp in and around the rock for a donation. We climbed up the rock, and found pools on the top. Areas of the rock that had washed away had also formed caves. Great place to stop and stay.

Back into Wuddina, we visited the Australian Farmer Sculpture. It is made from granite, and funds were raised by the town, and it now belongs to the town, It celebrates the spirit of the farming communities from the early days until the current day.

Onto our stop for the evening, the Kimba Recreation Reserve. When we arrived, the grounds were already very full. By 5pm, vans and motorhomes were still arriving, but no space left. If visiting, I would recommend you arrive prior to 2pm. It is a fantastic location, with a brand new camp kitchen, and clean facilities.

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