Westall Way & Cape Bauer Loops Coastal Scenic Drives

Westall Way & Cape Bauer Loops Coastal Scenic Drives

For another day trip, we headed out to follow two of the coastal loops in the area from Streaky Bay. First we headed out to Yanerbie beach, which is abeautiful sandy beach, but full of seaweed. It’s a calm beach, and perfect for a swim, however we were saving our swimming for the Smooth Pool.

Taking a drive out to Speeds Point, we stopped at a cheap $10 Camp, which was where we were originally planning to camp. When we saw Greenly Beach, we stayed there instead. We will be back and will stay here next time. Picture perfect views, calm waters and private beaches. There was no one around, and we would have had the place to ourselves.

Heading out to Smooth Pool, we drove down to the rocks that border the water and rock pools. Here there are hundreds of rock pools, with one extremely large rock pool, Smooth Pool. Ruby and Ripley had fun running over all the rocks and jumping through the pools. They spent nearly an hour playing in Smooth Pool, jumping off the rocks into the water, and swimming about. It was about a metre at it’s deepest point, and was a safe swimming location. Waves crashed over the rocks a little further out, but there was no current pulling you out. It was a little chilly, so we didn’t swim.

On our walk back to the car, Ruby had a but of a fall, and cut her leg on some shells, and got her leg stuck. Something we weren’t expecting, but were prepared for. We washed her off in the salt water, and used our Pet First Aid kit from Survival to patch her up and stop the bleeding. If you have pets, we highly recommend having a first aid kit for them, as well as yourself.

Further along on the Westall Drive, we stopped for lunch at the High Cliffs. beautiful views over the Great Australian Bight. there were people swimming below in the rockpools, and others on their stand up paddle boards. From here, we visted Tractor Beach and their Camp Grounds. They are located just over the sand dunes, back from the beach, the sites were full, and good value at $10/night.

Driving back into Streaky Bay, we took the Cape Bauer Loop. We walked down to the Blowholes and Whistling Rocks, but as the tide was out, neither were producing the goods!

The drive itself was very scenic, with sweeping coastlines, quiet beaches and a few off road tracks. The visited the new boat ramp, and the facilities for boaties are second to none. You can understand why they charge launch fees at each site.

Back at the Caravan Park, we walked down to the waterfront to watch some our last sunsets over the water. it certainly didn’t disappoint!

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